I want to share these deep quotations on the Holy Spirit with you. I have carefully gathered them from a few sermons I preached on the Holy Spirit over the past week. Read and meditate upon them and surely you shall be blessed.
Here we go,
- Without power clothing an individual it's impossible to receive the promise of the Father (Lk24:49). The Word is the clothing power (Rom1:16).
- The Spirit cannot come upon people ignorantly, He comes when one is endued with power from on high. Power from on high is the Word of God.
- None can live in the Spirit, except the Spirit indwells them. Till He makes His home in you you cannot live in the Spirit.
- To be in Spirit means to live the life of the Spirit - A life of which the Spirit of Christ is 100% "authoritative", do as He says.
- What have you got? If the Holy Spirit, then Hey! This is good news - Christ has got you. (Rom 8:9b) Possess the Spirit means Christ owns you.
- There is no democracy with the Spirit, for that matter He must lead and guide us into all truth because He knows all things.
- Don't choose for the Holy Spirit how you want Him to lead you, just be super-submissive to His guidance. He knows better.
BONUS: "In the beginning...and the Spirit of God was moving over..."(Gen. 1:1,2) Every beginning needs the move of the Holy Spirit without which abides waste and emptiness.
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A life of the Spirit.very wonderful...You and I with the spirit of Christ can be in the spirit to enable us to live and walk in the spirit every now and then.Amen.Enjoy the life of the spirit...