Samuel Entsua

Showing posts with label Sin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sin. Show all posts

January 15, 2017


The downfall of many men and nations has been the consequences of selfishness. In doing away with self-sins we should keenly battle out selfishness. King David, one of the greatest men to have ever lived followed his pleasure blindly which led him into a very catastrophic state.

July 14, 2015

REST - Part 1

“Gad, a troop shall tramp upon him, but he shall triumph at last.” (Genesis 49:19)

When the first man (Adam) disobeyed God, humanity became slaves to sin (the works of the devil). Sin became a troop which overcame man. Sin has bound us through the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life but thank God for sending His Son to come and die to release us from the bondage of sin.

June 23, 2014


Obliterating the curses upon humanity was an important facet of the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. Jesus came unto the earth realm to save mankind from condemnation. Man had been condemned by earning curses from the Almighty God. These curses are the embargo God placed upon the entire human race because of sin.
(Sin is the violation of God. What do I mean? When an individual sin, he or she has not just sinned but sinned against God. For example if a girl of five is raped she has been violated not necessarily the violation of the constitutional laws. What is the essence of the constitution without the people?

May 03, 2014


I want to share with you something I learned years ago from Kevin J. Conner’s book, The Foundation of Christian Doctrine. It is about the teaching of some cults on sin. I want to share this with you so that you can be watchful in your pilgrimage to the Celestial City (Heaven).
Cults, for the past centuries have tried to pervert the doctrine sin. Just as the scripture says, “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” (2 Tim. 3:13) Merely deceived men have grown tough in their deception and thus working assiduously to deceive many others. In their deception they seek to advance theories to deny and minimize the doctrine of sin. The following are statements gathered from the various cults concerning sin.

1.  SPIRITISM says, “Man never had a fall. Whatever is, is right. Evil does not exist. Evil is good. No matter what man’s path may, good or bad, it is the path of divine ordination and destiny. A lie is the truth intrinsically; it holds a lawful place in creation, it is a necessity.” 

2.  THEOSOPHY teaches, “All thought, good or bad, leaves its traces on the thought body and reappears as tendencies in future incarnations. No escape from this sequence of cause and effect is possible. Our past must work itself out. Man’s spirit is transmigratory and its good or bad conduct determines the body it will have in each successive birth. The only freedom from sin is to become entirely lost in meditative contemplation.

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